About Zanna

Gianluca Zanna is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who uses his self-hypnosis knowledge to enhance his combat skills. Now he has made available his hypnosis programs to the public. Zanna has created those very unique Hypnosis programs to enhance your mental and physical skills in combat and self-defense situations. No matter if you use just your body or your firearm, everything starts from your mind, and the subconscious mind has almost unlimited possibilities to improve your body and mind response and neurological pathway. Born In Rome Italy, at the young age of 11, he grew up in the National Boarding School "Convitto Nazionale", and then he joined the elite Military Academy Nunziatella, the oldest Military School in the world where only 3% of the candidates are admitted each year. Zanna knows from the first experience what it means to be bullied and how to fight back. Before leaving Italy to emigrate to America, he was working for 15 months on the streets of Rome as Roman Gladiator, besides doing gladiatorial fights he was dealing every day with the local street thugs and local mafia. In 1998 when he emigrated to America he worked as Security Manager in one of the most exclusive West Hollywood clubs “The Mirabelle on Sunset Strip”, dealing with every type of humanity and violence. Today Zanna is the chief instructor and founder of Kingman Force on Force in Kingman AZ, Miami Beach Krav Maga in Miami, and Arizona Krav-Maga in Havasu AZ.
He is the author of the
“Handgun Dry Practice system for self-defense Level 1”,
“Handgun Dry Practice system for self-defense Level 2”,
“the Anti Bully SelfDefense System”,
“Krav-Maga Body Weapons and Strikes”,
“ Women's Krav-Maga Level 1”.
Here are some of his certifications in the field of Self-Defense. Zanna creates combat hypnotic programs on skills he master in real life.
AZ DPS Firearms Instructor Lic #1702443
AZ Armed Security Card Lic #175058
Arizona CCW #8210104
Handgun Combat Master
Krav Maga Black Belt Certified in Israel with Master Alain Cohen
Krav Maga Military Instructor level 3 Certified in Virginia
Krav-Maga Personal Protection Security Instructor Certified with Master Alain Cohen
Krav-Maga Anti Car Jacking Instructor with Master Alain Cohen
Krav-Maga Air Marshal Instructor with Master Alain Cohen
Protective Driving Operations Certification (PDOC)
Protective Services Professional Certification (PSPC)
Protective Pistol Skills (PPS)
Israeli Behavioral Detection Officer certification by Aaron Cohen
Distinguished Graduated Handgun at Front Sight Firearms Institute
UTM Certified Instructor for no lethal ammunition Force on Force training
NRA Certified Handgun Rifle and Shotgun Instructor #140927447
NRA Self Defense inside the house Instructor #140927447
NRA Self Defense outside the house Instructor #140927447
NRA Refuse to be a Victim certified Instructor #140927447
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer #140927447
Certified Personal Trainer with National Academy Sports Medicine #1190296287
MMA Conditioning Specialist with National Academy Sports Medicine #1190332207
Fitness Nutrition Specialist with National Academy Sports Medicine #1190316554
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Specialized for Sport Combat Enhancement #11157
Qualified Rifleman with the Army Qualification test
First Aid – CPR – AED certified by Red Cross #19600110677
AVERT Certified (Active Violence Emergency Response Training with bleeding Control) #3680865
Expandable Impact Weapon Certified
Advanced Taser M18 M26 X26 Certified
Defensive Chemical Spray Certified with exposure to chemical agent
Mechanical Wrist Restraints Certified
Soft and Hard Defensive Tactics for Security Guards Certified
Israeli Behavioral Detection Officer certification by Aaron Cohen
Israeli Active Shooter Tactical Response certification by Aaron Cohen